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You Are Being Deceived; Why WE Don’t Have Free Energy Devices Yet


The reality is that we live in a 

sea of energy which can supply 

our every need for ever and ever 

without the slightest need for 

burning any kind of fuel. 


Devices for tapping this energy 

have been produced by literally 

thousands of inventive people 

and yet, they are not for sale. 


Why do you think that is?  


In the end it is really all about what the people or society will accept now. Yesterday we were informed by a Realtor that our house and land had been taken over by a bank. This engendeared lots of emotion and questions about what we are going to do from here? There are four of us humans living here. We love the land and take very good care of it and after four years of developing it, it is just starting to provide food. It also provides us with nourishment at many levels. This article also adresses foreclosures and mortgages. I had heard some of this and was impressed at how much is here to fill in the gaps and to inform. It can be rather disturbing if you have never heard this before.


The full article is a long read and well worth it to inform yourself of what is going on. Once we are informed, then new decisions can be made. New senarios can be created. When people lose their fear and begin to inform themselves…change can happen. Look at the peaceful revolutions that are springing up everywhere across the Earth now… Everything is align now as a major shift engages and we are the ONES we have been waiting for…  Saleena Ki


A Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices                                                                                                              Author: Patrick J. Kelly


Introduction: The current situation: why free-energy devices are not yet on sale in your local shop. How to get out of debt: the situation in the UK, the deception of "Joinder", the deception of "Notice", the deception of "Includes", the deception of "Summons", the deception of the "Name", the deception of the "Birth Certificate", the deception of "Registration", the "Government" is actually a company, meet your "strawman", what the police can and can't do, the situation in America, economic hit-men and their actions, the techniques used against you, the resulting consequences, research material and the practical situation and what you can do about it. 


Chapter 15: You Are Being Deceived


What you are about to read is true

and will shock you.


Without your knowledge, you were stolen from your parents at birth and automatically became the judicial property of a commercial company pretending to be your government. What you think of as “your” birth certificate is proof of this action. The biggest secret is that your government is a collection of commercial companies whose only real purpose is to take as much money from ordinary people as they can, using unlawful actions. Their sole intention is to keep you poor, in fear and doing whatever they tell you to do. 


The UK


This is a large subject, so let’s take it step by step and start with people who were born in the UK. I will discuss the position of a typical native of what is called “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. The average person living in this area believes that he is a free person living in a democracy which is governed by elected parliamentary representatives of the people, protected by legal statutes introduced by Parliament and enforced by police officers who are there to ensure your protection where physically possible. Those who are better informed, believe that the Magna Carta signed in 1215 affords them substantial rights and freedoms. 


None of that is true.  

Not a single item.


The inhabitants of this region fall into two categories which are “landowners” and “everyone else”. The term “landowner” is, of course, ridiculous. No human can own land. The only way that you can own something is if you create it from materials which you own, if it is given to you as a gift by the rightful owner, or if you buy it from the rightful owner. 


If I state “I own the whole of the planet Mars” it does not give me any genuine ownership of the planet. What has happened on planet Earth is that an individual stakes out an area and says “This is my land, I own it, and I will kill anyone who says that I don’t”. That can certainly frighten most people away from the area, but it does not give the squatter genuine ownership of the land. Consequently, no human owns any land whatsoever, and it is not possible for any land to be bought as there is no previous human owner of the land in question. 


Killing a squatter on the land and claiming ownership of that land by right of conquest is farcical. It is true that violent bully-boys take control of areas of land through intimidation and peaceful people dare not oppose them. No human has any more rights than any other human, but violence and the threat of violence have been used to create a notional group of people called “landowners”. Is it right? Is it just? No, of course not, but it is what has happened. 


This violent situation resulted in there being two groups of humans in the country. The violent “landowners” called “Knights”, “Lords”, “Barons” or some other irrelevant title, who join together to maintain what they have taken, and then there are the other people who have been intimidated by them, sometimes called “serfs”, whom the landowners feel free to rob on a regular basis through sheer intimidation. 


Already, there was a certain degree of deception being practiced by the landowners as they said to the serfs “we will protect you, and in return, you can work for us and pay us to protect you. This, of course, was a complete con, because if it wasn’t for the landowners, there would be no need at all for “protection” from other landowners. And, oh yes, the protection required the serfs to put their lives on the line as part of the “protection” racket. 


There was one group of landowners who operated more by trickery than by sheer force of arms. Going under the general title of the “Church” their influence came from telling people that when they die that they would not go to “heaven” if they were not servants of the Church. That technique worked very well and even influenced the head honcho of the landowners – the Monarch who was the ultimate “landowner”. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that it is wrong to worship God, follow a moral code, live an upright and blameless life, but, doing that has nothing whatsoever to do with being subject to any human or human organisation. 


A point which you have probably missed is that the ‘landowners’ considered the serfs to be sub-human “things” and not people at all. Unfit to, and incapable of, owning land under any circumstances. Considered to be ‘goods and chattels’ owned by the landowners. At that time, “serf” was an alternative word for “slave”. 


It is not possible for one human to genuinely “own” another human. Parents do not own the children born to them. They have a duty and a responsibility to nurture them and care for them and ideally, love them, but they do not own them. The weird notion which landowners have that they “own” humans is as false as anything can get. Slavery is another act of violence. Only a very ill-informed person believes that slavery has been ‘abolished’ as it is more widespread today than at any other time in all of recorded history, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with skin colour. 


In the well-known year of 1066, another violent landowner arrived in England and by force of arms, imposed Roman law on all of England. You will recall that Rome was very heavily into slaves and the slaves had no rights or privileges, no possessions and no protection, in spite of the fact that in reality, every one of them actually had equal entitlement to the rights claimed by their so-called “owners”, both slaves and masters being human beings. So, please understand clearly, that Roman law encompassed the notion of people being called slaves, and owned as “things”…


Saleena: He goes on to share all about the United States in such an indepth way I have never heard. It is pretty startling… now what does this all have to do with free energy devices and our lack of their availabiltiy when so many are invented and already working?




The Consequences:


There does not seem to be much point in commenting on the situation in other countries around the world as you will find the same style of underhand operation in most of them. However, when you understand what is going on, it explains why it has been so difficult to get any free-energy device on to the market for sale to members of the public. 


A really major strand of both income and control comes from access to energy. The average person wants energy for heating and cooling a home, running household equipment such as refrigeration, lighting, computing, etc. and for powering a vehicle, operating power tools, and so on. Under the present deceptive regime, we are told from an early age that we need to burn a fuel in order to get this power, and instead of doing it individually, it appears to be cheaper to buy the power from the local energy company. 


The reality is that we live in a

sea of energy which can supply

our every need for ever and ever

without the slightest need for

burning any kind of fuel.


Devices for tapping this energy

have been produced by literally

thousands of inventive people

and yet, they are not for sale.


Why do you think that is? 


Well, one of the reasons is that inventors of these devices often feel that they should “protect” their invention by patenting it and so they make an application to a Patent Office. Unfortunately, the Patent Office is a commercial business owned by the same people who make massive amounts of money from selling you oil to burn and electricity to use. Because of that, they steal the best of these inventions, often by telling the inventor that his invention is “Of National Security Importance” and so he can’t use it, sell it or even speak to other people about it, and if he did, he would be put in prison. That is, of course, an unlawful deception as the people telling him that have nothing whatsoever to do with anything National, except the use of the word in their company name. There certainly is no government around to make any kind of statement like that. 


The wonderful people then use your money in unlimited amounts to develop these inventions as secret “black” projects and they have been doing this for at least a hundred years. People who have been employed in some of these projects report that they now have technology anything from 100 to 1,000 years in advance of what the public is told about. Almost everything shown in the fictional “Star Trek” series has already been produced covertly in real life. The internet has made it difficult to keep on hiding these advances, but they fight back by posting false information, contradicting people who present the real deal, and generally disrupting and flooding every useful forum with a combination of rubbish and inflammatory attacks on forum members. 


A major strand of the attempt to suppress the truth is through universities and respected Engineering bodies and publications. This is done through financial pressure. To have a successful career, a university professor needs to have regular publication of research papers. For this, he needs researchers who are paid to do the research. This is done through grants from rich people and organisations. Those are the very people who will under no circumstances allow the publication of any research which demonstrates that free-energy exists and they make sure that no funding will ever be available for any such research. 


If a scientist steps out of line and goes public with the facts, he is immediately attacked by all of his former colleagues who promptly say that what he says is “impossible” and “breaks the laws of physics”, neither of which are actually true. For example, in 2010, Rosemary Ainslie and her colleagues demonstrated under strict laboratory conditions that a pulsed heating element produces 17 times more heat output than could be produced by the tiny electrical input driving the element. This was written up in standard scientific paper format and passed to the Institute of Electrical Engineers for examination and publication. As was expected, the paper was refused in spite of the fact (or perhaps because of the fact) that the laboratory results were conclusive. None of the present scientific institutions will publish any form of free-energy paper as that would not be good for the business of their owners. 


If an inventor skips the Patent Office, avoids the scientific journals, and tries to get his invention manufactured, he needs substantial funding and that is usually blocked by the concerted efforts of the groups of companies whose businesses would be harmed by the invention becoming freely available to the public. Some times, the inventor is threatened and intimidated. I personally know several people who have had this done to them, but the most common block is financial. For example, Cal-Tech in America spent a million dollars developing, testing, proving and perfecting a carburettor which gave vastly improved mpg results and which cut pollution to near zero. They teamed up with the very large auto-parts supplier Arvin Meritor to put the carburettor into production vehicles. Then "One Equity Partners" bought out the Arvin Meritor division which did all the final work, and then they created a new company, “EMCON Technologies”, which dropped the carburettor from their product line, not because it did not work but because it did work. Oil sales were the only interest and cutting pollution was seen as irrelevant. 


If you want to research this commercial domination over you, then here are some links which might be helpful: 


Go to full Article and scroll down.



You are Being Deceived-Link-Article


Full Article


From Practical Guide to Free Energy Sources:



Guide to Free Energy Devices: 

Free Book Download


Read about the amazing book;

Breakthrough Power: 

& Many Green Sustainable Living Ideas


6-6 Green Wave of Love in the Living Grid


Other Articles: 

The Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats


Saleena: With all that is happening in the arena of Nuclear power and it's dangers being revealed more and more daily… I thought I would weave this article in….

Dr Nikola Tesla said over 60 years ago: “Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point if the universe…… throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”

Nikola Tesla was not referring to atomic or nuclear energy, but to the energy which is continually bombarding the earth from outer space.

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