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Belees Sharing about 2012 Events & Energy & Saleena’s Update


2012-02-29 Saleena's 2012 Review & Update

Saleena: This is the final day of Feb. 2012, Leap year and a kind of day out of time.  2012 has certainly shaped up to be a very exciting point in our lives. I have spent most of the day and through the night transcribing – editing and posting Belees, the Arcturian's message to us.


Since receiving his message, I have noticed a number of channels are sharing these "overall" kinds of messages right now. Many are similar in content from many different sources. One source shared that this shows that we are CONVERGING TIMELINES now as many of our sources of information begin to be similar.


I haven't written much since we began our moving process from Hawaii in June 2011 right after the Mind Blowing Open Dolphin Time Travel and Teleportation Symposium we attended. Finding out about what kind of technologies are already developed and being secretly used by our secret US Government since the 40s and 50s certainly caused some moments of stepping back, even for me, and reconsidering reality once again. I know there is much more coming into focus to be revealed to us.

Personally we are being able to see our previously unconscious patterns more clearly now and finally have many tools and the power to change forever the way we show up in the world. If there is a relationship, there is always another corresponding pattern playing out its role. I have been able to look at mine with more neutrality and  have had fun naming them with humor and depowering their habits. Like Freaky Control Woman and her corresponding pattern mate, Mr. Avoidance. Then using our skills, we are able to re-script, re-lease and re-assign them new roles to empower our lives. 

The day that former Freaky Control Woman simply said alright when someone else presented an idea… was PHENOMENAL and something to be noted and celebrated. He pattern was changing. I have noticed others, too, and been changing them as fast as the thinning veils reveal them.

So this is a delight to be in a space where it is opening up to share with you once again. ALOHA!

Personally, Marimar & I are settling, if that is possible with all the changes in the energy fields, in a new place and live now in Tennessee. Hawaii seems like a dream of long ago. I like it here. I don't miss Hawaii, since I feel it is now part of my inner landscape and it was the perfect time for something new. It is peaceful here and situated where we are energetically protected and it seems like time stands still.


I love the Glory skies here… so strikingly blue and such amazing cloud formations. Mockingbirds are startlingly talented…they can sing out so many different songs. I have had lots of time to photograph and begin creating art again. I have enjoyed the time to focus on something very different. I am acclimating to the new energies of my body as the Earth Reality forms anew almost daily.


Living in the NOW MOMENT is much easier and I really like the way the new energies are shaping up in my body-mind and spirit. Our New Reality is pretty exciting. I no longer live in fear and feel much more confident to come out and share much more of what really matters to me. So much more of me is available to play now. I am ready to enter back into a new form of service to you all…


We are now shining new and available for OmniD Travel Adventure Sessions again. You can read some TESTIMONIALS from people who have journeyed with us or experienced our service or offerings HERE.


I am posting to the Blog far less at this point since Colin and I are preparing our OmniD Travel Adventure Book Series to share this year and will be doing alot of writing-organizing and preparing for publication. WE feel the excitement of it being time to share our many journeys and adventures in ways that will open the doors for many more to receive inspiration and activation from them. Stay tuned for some FUN offerings.


So many astonishing events

are taking place right now!


Happening so fast I can hardly keep up with them, yet I feel the changes in my body. I feel it in the air. Fear is gone. People are taking courageous steps to reclaim our rights to life without tyranny. They are stepping forward everywhere to share solutions and implement freedom and cooperation. We are truly moving towards becoming ONE.


Here are a few links to things I feel particularly excited about as we progress towards the infamous end of 2012 and the establishment of a new way of living here on Earth together.


Finnacial Changes

Much is moving into focus to reveal and change how  finances are used on this planet. Many countries are working together now to stop the Cabal, the Illuminati, the few wealthy who have basically trashed us and Earth to obtain the majority of this Earth's Wealth. A pending New Wolrd Order and their Financial Tyranny that has plagued us to near ruin. One of the best eye opening comprehensive truth revealing series of articles I have seen is: 

Financial Tyranny series by David Wilcock at DivineCosmos.com    

Long and astonishingly informative.

He was recently in Hawaii sharing some pretty vivid things that are happening now.


Truth about Debt 

10 Debt Truths are worded clearly and understandable with promised solutions coming and a Pledge you can sign and send out to take your stance at taking back your freedom and resources.


Inspiring Community 

So many communities are gathering under different themes, such as Occupy Wallstreet to Occupy Yourself. Fear is going going gone. People are now getting together and speaking out for what they now want. Refusing to be blindly led along like sheep anymore. Waking up and creating together. It is so refreshing to hear the collective voice crying out for freedom and reason and sustainable solutions.


"We'll OCCUPY until you do

the bidding of the many not the few…"


Kauilapele's Blog is a great space filled with Inspiration and Excitement about many things that are moving us forward into life that is FEARLESS and full of Loving Conscious decision, thanks Kauilapele!

From Greece to Hawaii to Greece and Back…
Movement “I DON’T PAY” Goes Around the World!!

Make sure to look into the many postings there.

Many Organizations are calling us to work and play and manifest together. There is greater power in uniting under one cause and manifesting together with many. Children of theSun is one of those and I have such a love of the SUN that their most recent series of meditations-grid transmissions have been really thrilling. Make sure you look down the right side at all the wonderful recordings of their past meditation-transmissions.

Children of the Sun


Creativity ABOUNDS!

Saleena: Through storytelling; media, music, art, poetry & creativity we are changing this world, yes we are!

We are sharing the Gorgeous Beauty of Living 

on this Amazing Living Planet in so many ways!


I just saw this piece done by Charlie Chaplin: 

The Greatest Speech Ever Made.

WOW! I am still ringing with it… What an intersting way to rescript the past And call in a new  future.


"We experience the world from our own perspective. Therefor I have no complicated story about this project but I leave the interpretation entirely up to you. I know but one single truth: Nothing is really true. That's our show… The paintings that are created in the film form one collection together. And it is far from finished. The coming year I will finish this collection. Why only the finished product? The creation is equally beautiful!"  Thijme Termaat

I Paint


Feast for the eyes ears body: make sure to

read the comments below the video:

Abwun D'Bashmaya 432Hz by Stellar



Free Energy Technologies

Some NEW TECHNOLOGIES are on the brink of being released that will change our lives dramatically for the better. Marimar keeps me updated with this. We have been watching the progress for several years now and it is very excitingly close…


Top 5 Free Energy Technologies

Unfolding Now

"Off the radar of the mainstream media, many futuristic energy technologies are positioning themselves to change the course of human civilization. These breakthroughs herald a fantastic future in which energy scarcity is a thing of the past.

An age of free energy is rapidly approaching. As we speak, multiple companies are preparing the technologies that will make energy abundant, cheap, and extremely low cost. The most exotic of these technologies are poised to bring an end to the age of fossil fuels, by allowing energy to be produced in radically novel ways. All of this is taking place with very little, or even no coverage by the mainstream media. They are sneaking up on the world, with relatively very few people paying attention."

"Of all the emerging technologies the public should be aware of, the following are the "creme de la creme" that deserve special recognition. From our vantage point, these are the ones with the most potential to make a strong and lasting impact on our civilization. In the remainder of this article, we will describe these technologies, and explain why everyone eager for an energy revolution should follow their progress towards the market place."

Saleena: How exciting is Cold Fusion for your business or home?

How about a Plasma Engine small enough to power your personal vehicle?

When we are able to personally generate our energy free and freely life will dramatically change on this planet.



Space Weather


Space Weather has been most amazing this whole year, including the largest CME erupting on Jan 27th, 2012 since the first of the year and I think they said in 7 years? Then the most recent gorgeous Heavenly Trio Forming a Rare Triple Conjunction. Jupiter, Venus, Moon to make spectacular triple conjunction this weekend (VIDEO) I love watching the skies! I never tire of it.

This was just posted today:


"Just fantastic burst of energy blow a hole into the Earth's magnetic shield just above. Never seen anything close to this."


Reports from our Friends

So many amazing reports coming from our Earth Allies, Star Families; Sirians, Arcturians, Pleaidians, Galactic Federtaion and other groups who are here to support and encourage us as we go through this HUGE change as we free ourselves. Here are a few enthusiastic links: 


(Earth is Becoming a Star) 

The Core Message – The Divine Completion

Comment: The thing is i meditated and asked Gaia myself if this is all true and i got yes its my reward i have supported life for a long time,with good times and bad times alot of positive beings have lived with me and negative ones also she said this is nothing whatsoever negative its a divine gift,that was planned long ago.I cried for a while but did really understand its natural and other planets in the universe go through these stages also to become a star even the ET'S time traveled and saw it OMG.  GalacticMessenger1 


I have enjoyed SaLuSa the Sirian's Messages through Mike Quinsey over the years and they have been particularly interesting this last year. 


Humanity is now moving at the speed of love,

which is slightly faster than the speed of light.

Steve Rother & The Group


You can find many voices and messages

here at Colin's

Magic of Being




Official Government Disclosure Has Begun


"In the last week of March, insiders from two different groups — the European Rothschild faction and others affiliated with the Obama administration — independently told me that major new developments towards a formal, official "government" Disclosure were imminent."


Very Exciting things are happening here… visit 

The Disclosure Project


There is so much astonishly positive happening, trust me, I wanted to share soooo much during this last 6 months, and I had to take care of myself. I have thrilled though at what we are all doing NOW! I am so happy to be here NOW on this Earth. What an AMAZING time to be ALIVE and HERE. I hope you enjoy and find some inspiration and resonant truth in all this for yourself.


Much deep and abiding love to you all.

Saleena Kí


Here is Belees: 


Communications Tuning


2012-02-26 Saleena Kí, tuning in to communicate, I immediately feel Belees, the Arcturian. Aloha.


Opening my heart, touching yours. Belees, Aloha! I feel your warmth and loving presence when I tune into you. It floods my heart!


Belees: Tuning the frequencies so we can communicate once again. You seem ready to come online again. This new Energetic Pyramid set up will create a very effective communications portal for your pleasure again. If you are ready.


Saleena Note: I was originally tuning in to receive an update for the Energetic Pyramid, so I was pleased to find Belees here to communicate. It had been suggested to me recently that it would be very supportive for me to set up a new Energetic Pyramid in my new location. We had three of them in Hawaii and they did help customize the space to be more supportive and conducive to the activities we liked to do in the different rooms where we had them.


Saleena: I am. Okay, I'm ready to hear what gift is here now or anything else you desire to share, like the progress of freeing our humanity and disclosure from your perspective.


Belees: Yes it is true that it is more dense where you are at (Tennessee verses Hawaii) & the location requires attention — conscious attention to create a clear active communication portal.


Rapid Fire Events


Belees: The energies from your Sun are increasing in intensity — the evolution of your species and Earth herself, along with ALL Life residing upon her is about to break forth into rapid progression.


The "brakes" that were artificially applied to Humanity, Earth, and ALL Life upon her are nearly removed. It has been a co-creative process. It is true that very soon a series of rapid-fire events will dramatically shift all your lives and increase the potential for ease and grace to support radical shifts in consciousness to occur.


Sharing about Events and Energy


Belees: We have been rather busy — on call 24–7 as you say it in your earth bound time-bound reality. We have worked constantly with the Whales of Earth and Creator Whales and a number of beings who have gathered to hold space for and facilitate frequency support during this tipping point. Planetary-wide Ascension and Mother Earth Ascension is occurring simultaneously with the opportunity for Humanity to ascend with her. Very unique event indeed!


We are, as you call us the A-Team — Arcturian Team, humbled, excited and delighted to be here now assisting ALL of the "Lightwork" and ongoing OmniD Travel Adventures you are doing with your team. These are truly facilitating and marking a "Path of Light" for the energies to follow, for others to find their way through the steps of Ascension easier when they are ready. ALL current Light Workers are truly pioneers plowing the way "Home" for the many as they awaken.


Every which way you can imagine, people all over this lovely and unique planet are awakening. Many are going through a rather blunt and rude awakening from the entrancement — the enchantment of the Controllers. For many it is frightening and overwhelming. It is painful as they begin to see that the path ahead requires a whole new perception of reality.


Many believe it is the end of ALL life and it is, as they once knew it, and find themselves shrouded in darkness, controlled, feeling victim mentality, weakness, desperation, despair and hopelessness.


The Industrial Model Life is crumbling — as it was based on a mentality of habits and patterns that were carefully laid out and cultivated to create massive wealth for a few top Controllers and create the illusion of "responsible citizens" working daily –  struggling  & addicted to commercialism and consumerism – dealing with their disregarded and disintegrating health with constant pressures to "work hard" to obtain the bare necessities of life.


On the Shift & Shifting Your Reality


Belees: Necessities that are ALL your God — Source — Creator given rights. Every Soul on Earth has the right to have sufficient nutritious food — clean air –  water — shelter — clothing — transportation. Every Soul has the right to live free of stress, worry, fear and suffering at the core.


This Planet — this Beautiful Library Planet — is unique in ALL of this Creation. She hosts one of the grandest opportunities for Evolution and now is the time for great shift; A Shift of the Ages.


The number one place this is taking place is inside each of you. Inside is where you finally decide,


"I AM changing and embracing

the possibility of a happier life

– full of daily joy — support — harmony

and opportunity to co-create

anything I can dream up!"


Let me share with you, each of you:

It Never Matters If You Know

How It Will Happen.


It only matters that you are

able to imagine it — to dream it –

to feel the possibilities of it

and then focus all your attention

on what you want to create,

on what you want to embrace

as your reality.


Once you know,

truly understand that you needn't know

how it will happen,

you are then safe and inspired

to dream in a whole new kind of life for yourself.


Even if you have very little time, spend your time thinking — feeling — assuring yourself of what you desire different.


Saleena Note: Instead of focusing on all that makes you upset — despair — angry or feel helpless or hopeless. you can also learn Ho'oponopono as your internal response.


Belees: The Universal Laws

require energy to form

according to your focus.


According to your

intentions — attentions

and focused use of energy.


Belees: It is a time ENERGETICALLY RIPE to receive new input — all the dreaming work you have done previously has begun to respond and rearrange your reality. So many hearts and minds have aligned Now for World Peace — the war vehicle is falling apart and disintegrating. Those who have constantly pursued war — hatred — conflict — disaster are being disarmed. Literally from the inside out and now from the outside Reality is aligning.


Events will take place very quickly,

from our Galactic perspective, now.


Those of you who are conscious of what is occurring will be the voices and hearts to assure the rest that ALL IS WELL, all is excitingly aligning for your freedom.


All is aligning for restoration of your beautiful unique Planet to shine in a new way. As she ascends her Lightbody will literally give off more perceivable light, as will each of your bodies, as you practice focusing on that which is healthy — sustainable — aligning — restorative & immortalizing — that which affirms LIFE; respects and honors your own physical bodies and that of your Planet, for they are ONE — that which opens up your potential to step into the truth of who each one of you are.


The veils and filters that

enshrouded you and

kept your magnificent light

from yourself are

thinning and shifting.


You will begin to know,

to feel and see each other

and yourselves in a new way.


Controllers  Last Attempts


Belees: What little power the Controllers still feel they have will be used in desperate attempts to convince you that you are powerless — to invoke fear and to create a series of disasters.


They HAD planned out a sequence of disasters and wars to obtain final world domination and control using financial tyranny and resource manipulation, using politics to create every way to keep those in power that will keep a continued string of wars and conflicts going, using disasters with weather and energy manipulation, manipulation and genetic modifying of your food to alter your genetic makeup to pervert it — all to weaken and destroy you and ALL LIFE and the Planet until there was no one to resist their takeover and accumulation of great Wealth at the expense of ALL other LIFE.


Saleena Note: Make note of this…




You have all stepped up in vibration — frequency with higher abilities to now to hold higher light quotients. Effecting the way you think and dream and remember how to manifest what you want. Now unwilling to go down with a sinking battleship.


Everything has turned.


Now watch carefully as

revelation after revelation

of the truth will come to light.


Breaking Polarity's Grip


Belees: As we have shared before, it is never going to change sufficiently as long as you are caught in the polarized thinking of the light winning out over the dark, or the dark overtaking the light. That polarized way will be always seeking balance and swinging to one side or the other. It will always be out of balance and seek to balance itself; meaning if light is victorious eventually dark will be victorious — over and over — round and round.


Harmony Being a Final Key


Belees: The FINAL KEY is HARMONY — finding peace with each side of this story, these energies within you and then ACCEPTING all that each role has brought to you experientially.

Saleena can share the link to her design and information about coming to a place of Rainbow Mastery — meaning ACCEPTANCE of ALL you have experienced and witnessed as Source Creator's whole and your WHOLENESS — then by learning to RELEASE JUDGMENT, receiving it ALL into your own center and then you become WHOLE.


The polarized war ceases and you find a new kind of harmony — a new Harmonics begins to send it's tone from your Heart — Mind and Body into Creation and you step into a new kind of mastery.


As long as the fighting — overcoming — overpowering of light and dark continues — you are trapped into polarities ever encircling cycles.


Ascension is the way out of polarity

and the way forward

to a new level of your evolution

and evolution truly never ceases.


Saleena Note:  No matter what level of the game you are playing.


Belees: The day is nearing when the

true presence of other life

 – other races — other beings,

unseen to most,

is to be revealed.


Many have had their own personal awakenings to this. Many have, in their hearts and minds, opened to become more than Earth — bound citizens of a country or state. They have opened to becoming ONE on Earth and are in process of opening the doors to become ONE once again with their Galactic Families and Friends and ALL CREATION.


As we share here today, events are unfolding — taking place that will free you from the domain of the manipulative Controllers. Some call it the Illuminati — some call it a Cabal — some call it dark Evil forces — some call them a Secret Government. It is all and more. We hold no judgments.


We see clearly their roles

and we see their value in the

experiences that all souls

came here to receive as soul growth.


Hardest Work Is PAST Tense


Belees: We see many of you have voted to have them removed and to free yourself from the slavery and tyranny once and for all. This we are now able to facilitate. Divine Decree has finalized the orders and all in the moment now to bring about what many of you have called for.


Keep focusing on what you want.


Release any need for punishment,

for it will come as

natural consequences of Universal Laws.


Release any hatred or fear

you may still harbor.


Keep focusing on your

own internal freedom

from the habits and patterns

of the denser life you've been living.


Avoid watching or listening

to those who would conjure fear.


Saleena Note: Choose your media wisely for much of it is severely manipulated and full of blatant omissions and disinformation. There are more and more reporting more transparently now. Learn to trust your bodies instincts and use your intuitive feelings about what you read and hear. Practice knowing that you know. Give it a possibility that "all the stories are true" from someone's perspective and your task is to find what resonates with your own harmonics, finding your own truth.


Belees: Support those who report truth and solutions — who AFFIRM LIFE — ascension — forgiveness — resolution — sustainability.


Focus on bringing forth — supporting mentally and emotionally and financially, if you can, new technologies.


They are breaking forth and once a few major inventions — technologies come forth the dam will break and these kinds of free — energy — sustainable energy devices will flood in.


As I said, revelation after revelation will begin. You will either be overwhelmed or rejoice — let go of your fear — flow with the new potentials and your life will brighten and brighten.


Releasing the Old –

Making Room for The New


Seek for help to release any old patterns

that bring back the fear,

the old denser habits.


Free yourself.


Saleena Note: Learn to be the observer of the pattern and then you will see clearly that it is only a pattern that you have learned to repeat and patterns can be changed, especially if you are able to get to and remove the root cause. Here is one way we can offer support: Sessions & Readings


Belees: This is a very unique time for your soul

and rapid progression can be made right now.


Those of you who have understood about what was happening and what is happening, you are the ones who have received healing and advancement. Techniques and tools. You'll are first using them yourselves to prepare them to share with ALL- to assist their transition into a place of harmony.


Saleena Note: I was just lead to this:


"They shared all of this, and 
then said they would tell me 
their secrets of offsetting the
effects of radiation. 

I moved forward in my chair 
totally attentive to hear of a 
miraculous substance.

They told me that 
radiation is light 
& has a 
high vibratory frequency."


It IS time to
raise our cellular vibration
 to the speed of light."


From Meet your Teachers – Radiation is Light

– Raise your Vibration to the Speed of Light!



Make your Own

Medicines of Light


They keep reminding me how empowering and powerful this practice is. and it is easy and free!


I have developed a whole section in this blog called Useful Tools & Techniques. Look at the Menu and you can find all kinds of things to support and encourage your own ascension. My Vibrakey designs are specifically birthed to support you at many levels and entry points. Take a little time and explore my Website and the many offerings. These Kits are particularly helpful to create safe and empowering energies to live in every day: Vibrakey Kits Gallery & Safe Haven


Belees: Saleena has asked us if there is only to be a period of light and grace such as prophecies that predict a "1000 years of peace". She suggested that to her it raises the question about what will happen after the thousand years; conflict and war again?


She has been one that has helped us all to dream the potential to move this planet into a place of New Reality where she calls our planet, previously known as Mother Earth; Paradise Earth. She is one who refuses to accept the old prophecies and predictions and dares to imagine and create a reality around her as something new.


She's a Dreamer and a Wayshower.


I mention her as there are many of you like her here on Earth. We support you all in ways you know and in ways unknown to you — for we are here by invitation of our ONE Source — Benevolent Source Creator to assist this planet and her life to embrace this UNIQUE EVOLUTIONARY ASCENSION OPPORTUNITY.


We all stand together;


on in or near her.




Belees: We evolve also. Our service assists you and assists us as we serve. There will always be these kinds of opportunities for us all as we evolve.


For those who are unable nor are ready to ascend, their lives will continue In Polarity until they desire something new. ALL will always be loved and assured opportunities for their soul to evolve at their own pace. No one is ever forced to evolve — that is against Universal Laws by which we all abide.


Shaping Reality


Belees: Yes, now I would like to complete this public sharing and move on to a more individualized sharing.


Saleena: The Elections are coming and many are speculating the Republicans will attempt to manipulate gas prices and anything else they can to unseat Pres. Obama and the Democrats. It seems that life, if the Republicans have their way, would be disastrous for the earth and humankind. They…


Belees: (interrupting me) as I shared earlier, FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT. Many will simply repeat what they hear — that is how rumors spread and facilitate the shaping of reality.


Having your own ideas

choosing your focus

your practice of "Voting"

these are ways to ensure

your own reality takes shape

the way you want it to.


It is rather simple.


It is about changing your habits from going along with and focusing on the reports and stories constructed by the Controllers (who by the way know how to shape reality with masterful persistent focus) to developing practices that assure your reality is pleasing to you.



Feed out stories incessantly

that will form reality the

way you want it and

assume you will get what you want.


They use fear — despair — hopelessness — disempowerment — ridicule — ridiculous policies — declarations of war — conflict inducing tactics, anything to delay freedom — thriving — sustainable recovery — anything to delay the evolution and Ascension of ALL. They use all their resources to serve their hunger for control — wealth and power.


So if you go along with — pass on — focus on and respond to their stories and tactics you reinforce that reality — that way of life.


Which Reality Will You Create & Reinforce?




Whatever you focus on

– think about

– have strong feelings about

and promote

– that is the kind of reality

and life you will have.


You each have free will choice.

Every one of you.

It is another gift of

Source Creator to humanity.

It is your birthright.


Sublime Health

Belees: I would suggest you resurrect your Medicines of Light practice. That is a very empowering practice. You have expanded it to be more encompassing and you will thrive more with its use.


Saleena: Thank you, I will do that.


Belees: Our A-Team does enjoy sharing and supporting with frequencies. One way we can do this in a more personalized way is to offer you the Sublime Health Project. It is rather easy to set up with us and anytime you desire, we will do a conscious reading — assessment and sharing with you. It is all about frequencies. WE do not diagnose, only assess and work with the frequencies that may cause your energy bodies and physical body to form in ways less than desired. Your physical vehicles are magnificent creations and they were intended for much more than most of you have every experienced. This is a beginning point to restore you to that potential. We consider it a pleasure to assist you.


Saleena: Thank You so very much Belees for all that you have and will share with us. You can learn more about the Belees and these Arcturians HERE.


Sublime Health Project is the offering these Arcturians made to us to support us to become more biologically strong and adaptable. The effects of being bathed with their personalized frequencies shaped just for my own body-mind-spirit has been very supportive, soothing, sometimes miraculous and always amazing in my life.


The effect can be a shifting of the energy patterns that can sometimes out-picture as physical symptoms to the raising of our consciousness, which is their ulterior motive to all this. Belees teased me that we make much nicer friends and neighbors this way… You can read more about it HERE and Purchase a Kit and get a Support Package for it if you like: Sublime Health Project

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